Annual Meeting June 10, 2023 (Draft)

Little McDonald Kerbs Lake Association Annual Meeting June 10, 2023

Angela W. called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Board members were introduced: Angela Willenbring, Pres.; Ron Kragerud, V.P.; Kathy Anderson, Recording Secretary; Bruce Wessman, Treasurer/Communication Director; Sue Eckes, Printing/Publishing Coordinator; Garry Griffin; Cheryl Duysen, Website Coordinator; and Bill Nelson.

Old Business:

Secretary’s Report: Copies of the minutes were distributed to members before the meeting. There were no questions, concerns, or corrections. Jeff Volk motioned to approve. Blair Anderson seconded. Motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Copies of the report were distributed to members before the meeting. There were no questions, concerns or corrections. Al Bierdeman motioned to approve the minutes and Rodger Neitzke seconded. Motion carried. Bruce W. stated we currently have 171 paid members. He also reported that $400 was contributed to the rearing pond DNR fund. Bruce requested that people provide their email addresses for the directory so they can be notified in a timely manner about activities happening on the lake, lost/found items, etc..

New Business:

There were no new members present to introduce. Water Level Update - Dave Wenzel reported that the lake is ⅛ inch below OHW. At freeze up we were 12¼ inches below OHW.

Water Clarity Update - Bonita Haider reported that in May, Little McDonald had clarity of 27.5 feet which improved to 30 feet in June. Thanks were extended to our testers and $50 gift cards were given to Wenzels, Haiders, and Mollins in appreciation of their work.

Pump House Update - Tim Bertschi reported that the LID changed pump maintenance services to MN Pump Works. There has been no major activity on the pumps. #2 filter is not working but repair is in progress and permission from the County will be needed to do a trial run of the system. The LID is working with the County to do trial runs of the system quarterly. The culvert between Paul Lake and Rusch was plugged but has been cleaned out. The pump system has not been run since June of 2021.

Board Member Elections - Candidates are Danae Bruning, Dan Gaffer and Bruce Wessman. Rodger Neitzke made a motion for a unanimous vote. Bonita Haider seconded. Motion carried.

Fireworks - 4th of July fireworks are scheduled for Saturday July 1st, with a backup date of Sunday July 2nd. Fireworks begin around 10:00 and will be on the northeast corner of the lake as usual. Fireworks fund is at $7700 so that is what the contract was set at for this years’ display.

Boat Parade - Bill Nelson and Bruce Wessman are coordinating the effort. It is on Tuesday July 4 from 10-12:00, starting in the northwest corner by the Kerbs channel. Bruce will lead the parade with his jet ski but other jet skis are prohibited due to wave action. Decorate your boats or pontoons and congregate at 9:30 to get your boat number for voting and then line up. Beach captains, or their designees, will be voting on the best decorations as the parade progresses around the lake with 1st ($50), 2nd ($40) and 3rd ($25) prizes awarded after the parade. Winners will be notified by email. Sign up ahead of time if possible. This year, since water depth is higher, the parade will go along the south shore area and if it is calm the parade will also go around Kerbs.

Wildlife: Angela W. sent out an email regarding “” which has information regarding how to respond to bears that have been seen in increasing numbers around our lakes area. During May and June, after hibernating for the winter, they expand their feeding areas so we need to take precautions to avoid attracting them to our yards, particularly during this time.

Algae Bloom: Blair Anderson has lived on our lake for 47 years and during that time has seen a slow but steady increase in the algae and debris that is in our lake as our lake has become more developed. He reminded us that “what we do on land effects what happens in the water”. Each one of us can make a difference. Phosphorous feeds algae.

Elevate (our Health): Is an organization through Perham Health that is developing a work , volunteers and events to paramount healthy living in our area. There was a sign-up sheet to get on their email as well as some handouts.

Other Business:

Invasive Species - Roger Neitzke reminded members to continue to be vigilant of starry stonewort as well as using precautions for not spreading other invasive species.

Bob and Jenifer Schempp extended an invitation for a Boat Party at the Point again this year. Their home is on the east side point of the Little McDonald/Kerb’s Channel. The party is July 22nd from 5:30 to 9:00pm and will be on the Kerb’s Lake side. Boats who want to listen to the music and celebrate should congregate there. People can contribute to the cost of the band if they would like. More information will be sent in emails.

Motion to Adjourn - Angela called for a motion which was made by Jerry Ottesen and seconded by Dan Geffre. Meeting adjourned at 9:55.

A thank you to Angela Willenbring for her 9 years of service to the board.

Angela Willenbring, President Kathy Anderson, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting July 13, 2023


Board Meeting April 27, 2023