Annual Meeting June 19th, 2021

Board President Angela Willenbring called the meeting to order at 9:02. Board members were introduced: Jim McLeod, vice president; Dave Dunning, treasurer; Kathy Anderson, secretary; Sue Eckes, publishing/ printing coordinator; Joan Covington; Garry Griffin; Bruce Wessman, Brad Helmeke.

Secretary’s report from last year read by Kathy Anderson. It was very brief due to last year’s meeting having had to be “virtual,” by email. Steve Kulik, Dawn Edvall.

Treasurer’s report, as printed. Had bank fees this past year, $121, for new checks (first time since 1998). Angela donated the fireworks permit fee last year.

Only unusual item was 572 for website. Up front was 412, maintenance will be 160 annual. Memberships: 85% in 2020. As of today, 108 to 120 members. Expect to get to 85% this year as well. Fireworks donations have been generous, so expenditure has be

Tim N; 2nd, Blair Anderson. Approved.

New members asked to stand and were introduced. Sam & Stephanie, Michelle, Ryan Don & Danae moved from Pickerel, are on the point. Jennifer bought the opposite point (former Raby home. Shawn & Liz from FL, in Sprunk’s place.

Water update:

Dave has no voice so Angela will do the talking.

Water clarity is MUCH better this year. 31’!!! Gift certs presented to Haiders, Mollinses, Wenzel

We are +.75” over OHW. Pumps went off this morning.

Roger Neitzke: AIS task force over 12 years ago by county. $50K to get started. State has been giving money to counties based on number of parking spaces at accesses. 129 landings in OTC, where there are over 1000 lakes. Task force meets monthly. Roger is vice chair.

496 lakes in MN have zebra mussels. Comprise over 50% of the waters. In OTC, 23 lakes contaminated. So far no new ones this year. Starry stonewort is a real concern, worse than milfoil, so thick, will ruin engines if you drive into a patch. Much of it in Wright county. Check your boats for weeds. Originated in Caspian Sea, come from freighters in the Great Lakes.

31 ft clarity. (Last year, 18’) Lakes eventually clean them selves up if deep enough, but before rip rapping a lot of soil went into water. Zebra mussels take away food from small fish, which are prey for larger fish, so walleye sizes will be decreasing. Check your boats. Zebra mussels don’t multiply the same way in every lake. To find which lakes are affected, go on DNR website.

Board member elections. Bill Nelson,, retired president of Scheels. Dave Dunning moved, Jim McLeod2nd, unanimous vote

Fireworks July 1, backup date July 2. Often volunteers are wanted, but last year the company didn’t want help. Check with Jim and or Bruce if want to help.

Bruce discussing slot limits, as proposed by some fisherfolk on the lake. It’s hard to catch a fish under 17” on Little Mac. Most available are inside the protected slot. Bruce is asking the membership present if people are interested in having the slot limit adjusted, would like to know what people think. He invites people to send him emails with input.

Question: is there a state reg now? Yes. Limit 6, one over 20”. But there are a lot of lakes with special rules. Our specific regulations are listed at the access. There was a meeting ten years

ago where there was public comment, and the DNR just ignored that input and made things worse.

There was an article in the Perham paper a couple weeks ago that said there were fewer fish in the lake, and clarity went down. The heat made waters in the bay look terrible, stagnant water in the high heat.

DNR wouldn’t let us close the crappie spawning area. People are having trouble catching crappies, but DNR says it’s fine, we just aren’t very good fishermen.

Angela: between assessor’s and sheriff’s offices... go to GIS map - click on sales/comparative marketing. You can see a picture of your house. Angela’s house was pictured from the back yard! She was pissed. So, going forward, the pics will only be from the road. If you check and find that your pic is something you don’t want up there, you have to email them to get it taken down.

Crime in OTC: almost all of our arrests are drug-related. Be aware of suspicious activities and don’t be afraid to report. Look out for your neighbor’s properties. Operation ID: Keep records of what’s in your storage building, serial numbers, descriptions, etc. Your chance of catching people increases greatly if there are serial number records. “Operation ID” stickers (see Angela for info on how to get stickers).

Speeding has gotten worse, especially contractors and visitors. Question about 34: Angela thinks only up to 400th by September. (?)

Nav channel: Have received DNR permit. There was a lot of research (months and months) to get to that. Recommendation that an engineering plan be gotten out for bids. Comment about where the OHW really is. It’s been changed twice since 1980. And a lot of people have “lost property”. Sand also changes on the bottom of the lake; there’s subsidence.

Dan Buchholtz presentation.

All the townships came up big for Dan. Five moths in. Dairy farmer. He says he’s a great listener. He says call him, he’s not so good at email. He’s persistent on the phone. New ordinance book is 40 pp instead of 50. Call Chris Leclair for information. There’s a “new bible.”

Hwy 34: supposedly ahead of schedule. There will be no tar this year. Hwy 8 from Perham to Butler, they took out 1st bridge, and there’s 2

more to go. He doesn’t see it being done by Aug 1 when it’s supposed to be. Houston wanted more money for more engineering. The gravel is getting badly washboarded, needs to be bladed regularly. 849-2143, Dan’s number.

Question about poison ivy in the ditches: answer, call Edna township.

Question about ordinances, if they’ve changed. Dwelling is defined as a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom. But even that’s not all that clear.

Roger N: what is “noise.” If things are too noisy, call the sheriff. But the sheriff is also busy, looking for speeders, etc. Also a question about riparian laws and back lots. Are afraid of having huge development across the road - resorts - using one 100’ lot with shoreline. Chris Leclair is pretty strict about stuff. One guy built a house that was 3’ bigger than it was supposed to be, they made him tear it down.

Jim Haider moved adjourn, 2nd Ardell Weigandt.


Board Meeting October 6, 2021


Board Meeting August 10, 2020