Board Meeting July 28, 2022

Angela Willenbring, Pres. called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Board members present

were Bruce Wessman, Sue Eckes, Garry Griffin, Cheryl Duysen, Ron Kragerud, and Kathy

Anderson. Bill Nelson arrived later in the evening. Duane Ylimiemi was absent. Also present

were beach captains Carol Wessman, Renee Anderson and Dan Geoffre.

Old Business:

Secretary’s Report: Kathy A. presented the minutes from the board meetings of May 26

and June 18, 2022.. Sue E. motioned to approve and Ron K. seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Bruce W. reported the bank statement balance as of 6/30/2022 was

$38,333.67 in checking and $5,522.65 in the CD. Checks written since the last meeting:

DNR Fish Stocking $400; Photo Magic $53.50; Mike Holper $94.54 (access light contract

@ $12/mo); Angela W. $175 ($150/ gift cards and $25/fireworks permit); Ryan DelaRosa

$204 (website); Flashing Thunder $5500 (fireworks); and Bruce W. $500 (supplemental

walleye stocking). Bruce W. corrected the website payment as being $44 more.

Membership Statistics for 2022 were: 170 paid members (85% of residents) $3400;

fireworks donations $7690; and binders $120. Cheryl D. motioned to approve, Kathy A.

seconded. Motion carried.

Walleye Stocking: The lake association continues to support the DNR on a yearly basis

with a donation that goes to their walleye rearing pond rental fund. This past year the lake

association donated $400. The DNR stocks fingerlings on odd years but allows private

funding for stocking lakes on even years. This is a common practice in many Otter Tail

County lakes. We raised $10,000.

New Business:

Recap of Annual Meeting, boat parade, and fireworks: Board members indicated that there

was good attendance at the meeting with good questions and an overall positive attitude.

The speaker was knowledgeable and a good presenter. It was suggested that coffee (2

pots) and doughnuts (8 dozen) be served again next year.

The boat parade was slightly smaller than last year, perhaps due to the day being Monday.

Disappointment was expressed that the parade did not go into all of the south shore.

An apology was extended. The leader was concerned about bringing boats through the

shallower water depth and reeds. It was decided that the parade will be on the same day

as the fireworks next year and Bill Nelson volunteered to lead the parade.

Fireworks finale was somewhat disappointing due to malfunction of fireworks but it was

otherwise good. Flashing Thunder carries the insurance and the lake association pays for

the permit. After discussion, Kathy A. motioned that we should spend what we take in each

year for the next years fireworks display. Sue E. seconded. Motion carried. Bruce W. made

a motion to carry the reserve currently held from the past in case of future need. Garry G.

seconded. Motion carried.

Water Sample Collections: Haiders and Mollins will continue to do the samples but the

carrier to the lab in Detroit Lakes needs to be updated. Jim McLeod is no longer on the

board but would be willing to do it when he can. However, he needs backups. Garry G.

indicated he would be wiling to do it and Kathy A. will be a backup. Garry G. will contact

Jim M. to arrange this.

Election of Officers: Angela W. - President, Ron K. - Vice President, Bruce W. - Treasurer

and Communications Coordination, Kathy A. - Recording Secretary. Sue E. will continue to

do printing and Cheryl D. will help coordinate the website, monitoring updates.

Bank Signers: Joan Covington and Jim McLeod are no longer on the board so will be

removed as signers . Angela W. and Bruce W. should remain on the accounts. Kathryn

Anderson (secretary) needs to be added to the accounts. Bruce W. made the following

motion and Ron K. seconded. Motion reads: “We authorize Kathryn Anderson to be added

to all our accounts at United Community Bank, and for Joan Covington and Jim McLeod to

be removed from all our accounts at United Community Bank. All other signers remain the

same.” Motion was approved.

Website By-Laws and Minutes: These need to be updated. By-laws will be amended to

reflect the change in date of Annual Meeting as passed at the 2022 Annual Meeting. By-

laws will be digitized. Missing minutes will be attempted to be recovered if possible and

placed on the website. Minutes will be saved in PDF and Word format.

Other Business:

Beach captains need to know that they will no longer give out new binders to everyone.

Only new members will receive binders which include packet information and a current

newsletter. Green memberships cards will be given to new residents. On a yearly basis, in

August, all members will receive an updated packet from their beach captains. Packets will

include the following:

Beach Captain Information

Board Members


Beach by beach


Annual Meeting Minutes

Currently we are short of binders for new members. Garry G. made a motion to purchase

12 more binders and cover printing costs of the contents. Bill N. seconded. Motion


Motion to Adjourn: Angela called adjournment at 8:40

Angela Willenbring, President Kathy Anderson, Recording Secretary


Board Meeting February 27 - April 12, 2023


Board Meeting May 26, 2022