On-line Board Meeting June 8-9 2020

Angela Willenbring called an on-line meeting June 8, 2020 to approve several items. Responding and voting were Joan Covingtion, Jim McLeod, Sue Eckes, Brad Helmeke, Dave Dunning, and Barbara Strand. Kathy Anderson and Garry Griffin did not respond.

Items needing board action were:

#1 Approve bills for annual supplies: Photo Magic $39.91 for copies, Perham Office Supply $25.46 for envelopes, and Sue Eckes $127.49 ($110 for stamps, $3.50 for ballot copies and $13.99 for mailing labels)

#2 Binders need to be ordered by Sue Eckes for Lake Assoc. directories.

#3 Thank you gifts are needed for Dave Wenzel, Jim & Bonita Haider, and Larry and Cindy Mollins for their work in monitoring lake levels and doing water quality sampling on behalf of the Association. Gas cards in the amount of $25 will be given to them with Angela purchasing and delivering.

#4 Fireworks permit ($25) needs to be obtained prior to the July 3rd display. Angela will obtain it. #5 Edited secretary’s minutes from May 20th, sent out to you by email, need to be approved.

Joan C. motioned and Barb S. seconded to pay bills as stated above for annual supplies (#1). All approved. Motion passes. David will pay bills as submitted.

Joan C. moved to have Sue Eckes purchase a case of 10 binders (#2) and Barb S. seconded. All responding members voted for approval. Motion passes.

Joan C. made a motion to approve the gift cards (#3) and to reimburse Angela for the service fees on these cards as well. Jim M. seconded. Votes in favor from Joan, Brad, Jim, Sue, Dave and Angela. Motion passes.

Joan C. motioned to reimburse Angela for the fireworks’ permit (#4) and Jim M seconded. Joan, Brad, Jim, Sue, Angela, and Dave approved. Motion carried.

Joan C. motioned and Jim M. seconded to approve the secretary’s minutes (#5). Brad H. did not attend that meeting so he abstained from voting but all others voted to approve. Motioned passed.

Angela Willenbring, President Kathy Anderson, Recording Secretary


Annual Meeting June 2020


Board Meeting May 20, 2020